How we build a competent staff

Intro to article We engineer individuals to bring out their conversational abilities on text or on call. Due to the…

Intro to article

We engineer individuals to bring out their conversational abilities on text or on call. Due to the extensive experience of the senior management in the field, the Backend team manages to apprise recruits of a multitude of scenarios that may take place and require them to think outside the box. Our training schedule is a one-of-a-kind blueprint that necessitates trainees to go past a mock session in order to become a part of the Backend team.

Our organizational culture, on the other hand, encourages more input from the agents and a healthy competition internally, which brings more fruitful results to the table. Also, we believe in bestowing our years of resourceful learning to the agents, for them to grow professionally and evoke their thoughts with innovating conventional approaches.

Competent Staff:

A pool of contact center agents, each holding an 8+ years of professional experience, is another added benefit within the array of assets we triumph over. Not only does our experience count as a deciding factor, but also our staff can easily comprehend and deliver a universally accepted accent. Our team can be described as personified contact center agents who are engineered to deal with customers of varying temperaments, while the staff is flexible in optimizing their invaluable professional experience well with unfamiliar organizational structures from various clientele.

The Backend team acknowledges the relevance of customer care and strongly believes in establishing a rapport with the end-user, aiming to satisfy customers to the point, where he/she is sure to leave a positive feedback at the end of the conversation, as the slogan suggests: every conversation matters!

No contact center guarantees a problem solving aptitude from each of their agents, but our individuals strive to understand end-user concerns/queries to the extent where they can offer effectual solutions. Our predefined protocols apprise agents on effectively coordinating with concerned departments when the need arise. At Backend Communications, we train every new recruit to empathize with the end-user as the basis of acceptance to go-live with the customers.
