Social Media Service

Social Media Service

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Social Media Service

The most important questions at a glance

Would you like to inspire your customers with social media? Then you need an outstanding social media service. What this is and why social customer service is so important is explained below.

What is a Social Media Service?

A Social Media Service / Social Customer Service are a customer service for social channels. The principle is comparable to an inbound call center: Customers (or partners) get in contact through a social media channel to obtain information or solutions to their problems. In addition to the classic channels such as Facebook, Twitter and Co., a social media service also includes WhatsApp, web self-services or live chats.

By the way: Social Media Services differentiates between “Shared Team” and “Dedicated Team”. Further information can be found under Inbound Services

What distinguishes a good social media service?

Whether telephone, social media, live chat, email or app: a good customer support always uses different communication channels. For example, customers often start via web chat and then call the hotline – as a company, you still have to offer your customers a smooth process. The call center agent, for example, should know the previous chat conversation so that the customer does not have to repeat everything.

Multichannel management is therefore important for every social media service. At least as important is a fast response time – customers expect faster responses in social networks than with classic channels.

Are there useful tools for better social customer service?

  1. Message Management

The management of messages is important in order to be able to react quickly to inquiries. There are several tools available to help you keep track and process messages from different channels via one interface. For a more efficient workflow!

  1. Chatbots and Help Center

Chatbots and help centers make it easy to answer frequently asked questions (FAQs). Both tools can reduce or categorize simple customer requests, but cannot replace call center agents.

  1. Monitoring and Tracking

Monitoring and tracking systems sustainably improve your products and processes. The tools can detect, track and document common problems such as shipping or product errors. With an efficient reporting, you can then check whether and how quickly an error has been corrected.

Important: Each call center uses different tools. We will be happy to help you find the call center that perfectly fits your needs. Simply write us a message or use our search engine!

Why should I outsource my social media service?

Good customer support is priceless. The better you support your customers, the more often satisfied customers recommend you – especially on social media referral marketing is more important than ever.
With a social media service you place your customer satisfaction in experienced hands. For fast answering, smooth multichannel marketing or lower costs: Outsourcing can offer your customers the best possible service and at the same time relieve employees.

Tip: If you are looking for an external call center, you should pay particular attention to reliability and outstanding quality in telephony and writing. The equipment of your future partner is also important – as are knowledge management, help centers and communication tools.

Your advantages at a glance:

  • Optimal availability for customers
  • Different channels for different concerns
  • Improvement of the Net Promoter Score (NPS)
  • Easy scalability
  • Concentration on core competencies

How expensive is a social media service?

The price varies depending on the provider and service effort. The most common models charge per hour, per minute, per agent or per month. Prices and pricing models for various social customer services can be found directly at Backend Communications.

How do I find a suitable call center?

Backend Communications is the first online marketplace for call center services worldwide. From SMBs to large corporations, we help companies find the best partners for their needs – from hotlines and social media services to telemarketing and other outbound services:

  • Reputation management
  • Social customer service
  • Community support
  • WhatsApp customer service
  • Crisis management
  • Social media monitoring

Write to us and we will help you. Or use our search engine and find your perfect call center in just two minutes. We are looking forward to your inquiry!


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